SK Financial Services

We are registered & approved tax agents by UAE Federal Tax Authority.
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Business Financial Solutions

UAE VAT Voluntary Disclosure

The Federal Tax Authority makes use of a pc device in sorting thru big quantities of data. Further, figuring out errors from exceptional reassets like tax returns, banks, and different institutions. This is why the Federal Tax Authority in UAE or FTA encouraging all tax registered entities to tell the authority proactively when they realize that they’re not paying the correct amount of taxes. At SK Financial Services, we also help businesses and individuals make VAT return voluntary disclosure.

VAT Voluntary Disclosure Service in UAE

You can be thinking if it’s far really well worth it to make a UAE VAT voluntary disclosure. However, we are here to tell you that it most definitely is. Why? Making a VAT voluntary disclosure cultivates correct status with the tax authority. The FTA will charge less penalties. If the disclosures accomplished voluntarily in preference to the tax authority locating the errors themselves. More importantly, having your tax affairs up to date and correct will will let you experience peace of mind – a precious issue because it helps you to run your enterprise smoothly.

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Time limits for UAE VAT Voluntary Disclosure
  • If an error resulted in calculation of payable tax of the taxpayer being less than what required by more than AED 10,000, then the voluntary disclosure of error should done twenty business days from date when taxable person was able to uncover the error.
  • Also If an error resulted in calculation of payable tax of the taxpayer being AED 10,000 or less, error shall be corrected in a tax period’s tax return wherein error was found before due date of tax return submission. If there’s no tax return in which the error may be corrected, Further, there is twenty days allowance for reporting of error starting from the date of being aware of such.
How our experts can help you

With their experience and expertise in handling VAT voluntary disclosures in UAE, our team can help you with the following:Read More

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