SK Financial Services

We are registered & approved tax agents by UAE Federal Tax Authority.
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Tax Dispute Resolution Services in UAE

Federal Tax Authority

The federal taxation structures with inside the UAE make somethings move toward betterment. The tax paid via way of means of the citizens makes the governments paintings for the betterment of the countries. In UAE, federal tax authority has additionally added the federal taxation system. In 2018, Value Added Tax was introduced in the UAE. For the people in UAE, it has been made mandatory to pay all the taxes on time.

Corporate Tax in UAE on the federal degree will play a component with inside the desire of UAE due to the fact on this manner UAE could be capable of fund the national budget while creating a better environment for the people in UAE.

Tax Procedures Law

For the conduction of audits, figuring out tax evasion, ordering consequences etc., the tax technique legal guidelines had been established. Because of tax procedure law, it will become easier for the UAE’s government to review the tax proceedings of the companies. This regulation presents an define to the human beings and to the authorities to make certain that every one the human beings follow the regulations and policies made with the aid of using the federal tax authority. Read More

What Happens During The Tax Audit?

FTA obtains the authentic information or the copies of it for undertaking the audit. FTA additionally has the authority to capture the commercial enterprise or the company. It can take stocks and can conduct experiments on the stock as well. The audited individual and their tax dealers can be gift on the scenario whilst the audit is being carried out. Read More

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