SK Financial Services

We are registered & approved tax agents by UAE Federal Tax Authority.
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Business Financial Solutions

VAT Consultant In Dubai, Sharjah, UAE

VAT Consultant in Dubai

We understand that every business faces unique challenges in the competitive market. That’s why our VAT consultancy services are tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our experienced VAT consultant in Dubai provides guidance on current and upcoming challenges and analyses each client’s requirements to develop effective solutions. We acknowledge that each business has its tax complexities and issues, and it’s essential to understand VAT laws, regulations, and concepts clearly. Our VAT consultants walk clients through the process and provide all necessary information to ensure compliance. Despite the complexities of the VAT process, our services ensure that businesses stay on the right track. Our team combines versatile taxation services and Dubai VAT consultancy to deliver top-quality solutions for our clients. With their extensive expertise and comprehensive knowledge of VAT registration and a proven track record, VAT consultants in Dubai can resolve all VAT-related issues, such as VAT consulting, VAT registration, VAT training, VAT returns, and compliance with tax laws and regulations. Read More

VAT Consultation presented by SK Financial Services
VAT Consultant in Dubai, UAE:

VAT is a form of consumption tax levied on goods and services at the time of purchase. It is a tax imposed on individuals and businesses for the goods and services they acquire.

SK Financial Services is ready to provide top-notch service at a reasonable price to meet your needs. Following the introduction of VAT in Dubai, VAT consultants have been playing a key role in helping businesses comply with UAE’s VAT laws. The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) is responsible for tax collection and administration, and provides all necessary legislation, including guidance and explanations, to assist businesses. Read More

VAT Consultant in Dubai presented by SK Financial Services
VAT Laws in UAE presented by SK Financial Services
The VAT Law in the UAE:

VAT, or Value Added Tax, is a type of tax that is imposed on the consumption or use of goods and services. The ultimate cost of the tax is borne by the end consumer. In the UAE, businesses that are registered for tax are subject to a 5% VAT on taxable goods or services at each stage of the supply chain. These businesses are responsible for collecting and accounting for the VAT on behalf of the government. Read More

VAT Registration in the UAE

In order to comply with UAE VAT law, businesses operating in Dubai are required to apply for VAT registration if the value of their taxable supplies and imports is AED 375,000 (USD 1,000) or more. Companies with taxable supplies and imports between AED 187,500 and 375,000 have the option to voluntarily apply for VAT registration. However, businesses with taxable supplies and imports below AED 187,500 are not obligated to register for VAT. The application process can be completed online, but businesses can also choose to seek out reputable VAT consultancy services in the UAE to ensure proper and efficient execution. It is important to note that every
name, including the company, owner, manager, or authorized person, must be entered in both Arabic and English. Read More

VAT Registration presented by SK Financial Services
Buildings in UAE presented by SK Financial Services
VAT Designated Zone in the UAE

If a Cabinet decision identifies a Designated Zone, it is considered to be located outside the State and outside the Implementing States, subject to certain conditions:

1- The Designated Zone must be a specific geographic area fenced and equipped with security measures and Customs controls to monitor the movement of goods and individuals in and out of the area.
2- The zone must also have internal procedures for storing, processing, and keeping goods within its boundaries.
3- Additionally, the operator of the  Designated Zone must comply with the Authority’s established procedures.

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Documents Required for VAT Registration in the UAE

In order to apply for VAT registration in the UAE, businesses are required to submit the following documents:

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Documents Required for VAT Registration presented by SK Financial Services
VAT Registration presented by SK Financial Services
VAT Registration Procedure in UAE
  1. Once all the required documents have been submitted, the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) will review the application.
  2. If all requirements are met, the application will be approved and a Tax Registration Number (TRN) will be issued within 2-3 weeks.
  3. For tax groups, the registration process begins with a single company and group details can be added later.

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VAT Consultancy Services in the UAE

SK Financial Services boasts a team of committed and knowledgeable tax professionals who receive continuous training and updates on any law changes that may affect their clients’ taxable areas. Whenever the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) issues updates, the team reviews and discusses them, analyzing the impact of any tax law amendments and promptly communicating their findings to clients. As reliable VAT consultant in Dubai, we employ a comprehensive approach that utilizes updated techniques to address tax-related concerns. Read More

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VAT advisory services in the UAE

VAT planning helps businesses structure their operations tax-efficiently and minimize VAT liabilities.

  1. Advice on VAT compliance, including registration and filing requirements, and assistance with preparing and submitting VAT returns and reconciliations.
  2. Guidance on whether to register for VAT as a single entity or as part of a tax group can have implications for VAT liabilities and compliance obligations.
  3. Analysis of the applicability of the reverse charge mechanism for imports, which can affect the VAT treatment of goods and services.
  4. VAT training and awareness for staff to ensure that businesses understand their VAT obligations and are equipped to handle VAT compliance

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

VAT consultants in UAE provide businesses with expert advice and guidance on VAT preparation, registration and implementation. To add on, they manage VAT returns and refunds, and minimize taxable person’s VAT liabilities, in compliance with the VAT regulation and standards.

A VAT consultant can help your business stay compliant with VAT regulations and standards and manage your VAT returns and refunds, to which noncompliance accrues hefty fines.

Businesses can claim VAT refunds in the UAE by submitting a VAT refund application form through the Federal Tax Authority’s online portal.

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